GFL-Team | Sea­son 2014


26.04.17:00Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther vs. Colo­gne Fal­cons25:27
04.05.15:00Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther vs. Ber­lin Adler22:42
10.05.19:00NewYor­ker Lions vs. Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther28:10
17.05.16:00Kiel Bal­tic Hur­ri­ca­nes vs. Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther53:07
15.06.15:00Colo­gne Fal­cons vs. Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther (EFL Divi­sion 2)43:36
29.06.15:00Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther vs. Kiel Bal­tic Hur­ri­ca­nes (EFL Divi­sion 2)06:59
06.07.15:00Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther vs. Kiel Bal­tic Hur­ri­ca­nes26:67
13.07.14:00Colo­gne Fal­cons vs. Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther37:20
27.07.15:00Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther vs. Dres­den Mon­archs06:47
09.08.17:00Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther vs. Ber­lin Rebels29:34
16.08.18:00Ber­lin Rebels vs. Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther34:09
30.08.17:00Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther vs. NewYor­ker Lions00:58
06.09.15:00Dres­den Mon­archs vs. Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther56:07
14.09.15:00Ber­lin Adler vs. Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther34:20


1NewYor­ker Lions121200547:126+42124:0
2Dres­den Mon­archs12804426:269+13716:8
3Colo­gne Fal­cons12705345:352-714:10
4Kiel Bal­tic Hur­ri­ca­nes12705330:280+5014:10
5Ber­lin Adler12606321:285+3612:12
6Ber­lin Rebels122010174:495-3214:10
7Düs­sel­dorf Pan­ther120012181:517-3360:24

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